GEO Quarterly Newsletter No 72 December 2020
Available now.

To download our newsletter use the link below

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A world-wide community.

GEO was formed in 2003 to enable amateur reception of weather and earth imaging satellites. Many are already in orbit with others planned for launch in the near future.


Eumetsat's MSG-3, with its spectacular images of Earth every 15 minutes, is an example of the latest satellite being received by the Group's members. Members of the Group have experience in amateur radio, electronics, meteorology, oceanography, satellites, computing and publishing.


Browse this site to learn more of this fascinating hobby.


Subscribe to the group to learn about the quarterly magazine and be part of a world-wide community of enthusiasts, always ready to impart information and advice.



Most recent images from Meteosat 11 & Meteosat 8 : 16 Jul 2024

For interesting archived Meteosat Images & Animations  

Meteosat 10 Meteosat 8

Click on either thumbnail to view larger image (190- 230 kB)

Geostationary Satellite Data, Meteosat 11 (0o) & Meteosat 8 (57o E).

All images received via EUMETCast © EUMETSAT 2024.

Data Managed & Processed
with David Taylor's MSG DataManager & GeoSatSignal.


© Copyright Group for Earth Observation 2024


This page was last modified on 25 January 2022