Imagery from the Metop Satellites

The European Metop satellites image the Earth using the AVHRR3, a six channel scanning radiometer that views the Earth in visible light and infrared (IR). Only five of these channels are active at any one time however, as channels 3A and 3B alternate by day and night. The frequencies are shown in the table below.

Channel Wavelength (micrometre) Uses
1 0.580-0.680 µm Daytime cloud and surface mapping
2 0.725-1.000 µm Displaying Land–water boundaries
3A 1.580-1.640 µm Snow and ice detection
3B 3.550-3.930 µm Night cloud mapping, sea surface temperature
4 10.300-11.300 µm Night cloud mapping, sea surface temperature
5 11.500-12.500 µm Sea surface temperature

Following are examples of Metop imagery, displaying thumbnails of channels 1 to 4: channel 5 appears almost identical to channel 4, and is not shown. Also displayed is a false-colour composite image, created by combining data from channels 2 and 4. The colour depends on both the intensity of sunlight (channel 2) and the temperatures of cloud, water and land. Consequently, Summer images display more intense colour characteristics compared with images from Spring and Autumn.

Clicking on any of the small images will display it full size

Metop A Data © EUMETSAT

Southbound Metop-A pass at 13.01 UT on March 8, 2010

Channel 1 Channel-2
Channel 3 Channel-4 Channels 2+4 colour composite

Southbound Metop-A pass at 09.59 UT on August 10, 2012

Channel 1 Channel-2
Channel 3 Channel-4 Channels 2+4 colour composite

Southbound Metop-A pass at 17.25 UT on August 26, 2009

Channel 1 Channel-2
Channel 3 Channel-4 Channels 2+4 colour composite
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